Learn How
To Dream Again

Therapy for individuals
who want more out of life.

In-Person in the Bay Area & Online throughout California

We all start as dreamers.

You thought about the future with boundless hope and imagination as a kid.

But, as you got older, you lost something.

Somewhere along the way, the possibilities became far more limited.

Big dreams are encouraged, but only to a certain point.

Before too long, you’re told to be more realistic about your goals.

You learn to doubt your ability to achieve great things.

So, you adjust your dreams to something more “reasonable.”

Now it feels like all you do is accept less from life.

The older you got, the less you allowed yourself to imagine big things.

With each passing year and every discouraging comment, you learned to settle for less.

It’s gotten to the point that you can’t even remember those ambitious goals you started out with.

Recognizing how much you’ve changed is painful.

It’s difficult to live with the stress of a life that is this unfulfilling.

Realizing that you’re running out of time makes even modest goals feel unachievable.

You’re so paralyzed with fear of the future that you can’t make any progress.

But there is a way forward.

It’s time to reignite your imagination.

Dreaming about the life you want is the first step to making it a reality.

Reclaim those feelings of hope and enthusiasm that you started with long ago.

We need to recapture the power of imagination; we shall find that life can be full of wonder, beauty, and joy.

– Sir Harold Spencer Jones

Embrace the journey.

Don’t let fear dictate your path any longer. Stop settling for less from life than you deserve.

Call us now, and let’s get started today!

Hope is the ability to hear the music of the future… Faith is having the courage to dance to it today.

– Peter Kuzmic

Bay Area ACT Center